Thursday, 7 January 2010
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
With Cambridge Animal Sanctuary being an ‘Animal Conservation’ charity website, this means that it is aimed at people interested at nature and animals, children, as well as people interested in global warming and other natural topics.
The website is not designed for people who want to save endangered species’ but for the people interested in the animals currently being conserved in the sanctuary. This means that the charity has a more personal effect on the people, because it is specialist to the zoo itself, not just any zoo.
Although all of the pictures are of animals in a foreign conservation, they are all pictures of animals that would be in the conservation if it was real. There are no pictures of animals in distress (cages, hurt, etc.) because I believe that if we want our audience to donate, they are more likely to do so if they see that the money goes to a good cause and is used wisely. Also pictures of distressed animals would take the personal touch from the charity and the fun, happy themes that the website currently has. Here, below is an example of a page which has images of the animals in their new habitat; Cambridge Animal Sanctuary.
The website appeals to anyone interested in anything natural, which could be animals or even the planet. The current climate means that the world is changing and this is making big news, making more people conscious of nature. This means more people would be knowledgeable and interested than in recent years. The philosophy behind the website is for people who enjoy seeing animals to donate in able to keep the Cambridge Animal Sanctuary open and in business.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this production?
Using both hardware and software, I have learnt a hefty amount of knowledge about using new and old equipment.
Apple Mac: Although being a windows user, having used the Macs in media studies, it has inspired me to purchase an Apple Mac of my own because, normally speaking, Macs are more reliable, better value for money, faster, simpler to use and support better programmes and applications. iWeb and iLife make the designing and creating of a website on a Mac simple. If I had my own Apple laptop, then it would have been far easier to complete the website, because I would have been able to take home the file and work on it at home.
Photographs: As well as taking a few pictures on the school cameras; my group also used a simple mobile phone to take the majority of the animal photos. It is remarkable how highly pixelated mobile phone cameras have come in the modern time. The ‘Samsung Pixon’ has an 8 megapixel camera and its quality rivals any digital camera or professional camera. With a red-eye detector and flash, its high tech qualities are an asset to the website.
iWeb: As a person with no previous experience on how to create website, iWeb is an exceptional way to get started. The fact that making a website on iWeb means you allows you to start your design completely from scratch and use trial and error methods in order to get the image you want. Simplicity is iWeb’s main focus and this is noticeable because of the lack of coding required to make the site. No HTML codes are necessary to be typed by the user but iWeb manages to integrate basic HTML codes automatically. E.g text boxes. As simplicity is its main attribute, it is not professional enough to be used by a qualified website designer because where iWeb gains in some areas, it lacks in others, for example there is no tool which allows you to add a ‘viewer hit counter’ to your site; which is a convention of most websites nowadays. But other than these minor flaws, iWeb is fantastic for the usage I needed, as a beginner on an Apple Mac.
Adobe Photoshop CS4: Photoshop itself is the most advanced image correcting programme available to the public, however it is very complicated and mastering being able to use it, is a task itself. However, it is the best for a reason, and this is because literally any effect can be done to any image, along with image defining and editing. Because of the pictures we took at the Animal Sanctuary were already of high quality, there was no need to edit them, thus resulting in using Adobe Photoshop CS4 very little. Having said this, I learnt how to change backgrounds of images and crop foregrounds, so skills were learnt in the little usage.
What kind of Media institution might distribute your media product and why?
What kind of Media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The website I have designed is designed for the charity or conserving animals and endangered species’. Many animal charities or companies that support animals may want to help with the distribution to show to their public that they also care about the issue.
Popular online search engines are almost always willing to allow a smaller site to post a small link or search bar that links to the search engine homepage, to promote popularity of the search engine. This would also be a great way to distribute the website as most sites would be keen to participate in the ‘hits for hits’ plan put forward by the smaller site. In exchange the main search engine will promote my site because of the deal.
TV and Radio, although costly, are proven to be popular forms of media, through adverts. By paying for short audio clips (for radio) and short visual commercials (for TV) in appropriate slots, the money spent on this advertising would instantly be earnt back in donations from people watching and listening. The adverts would have to be in a convenient and popular place though, for maximum public donations.