Thursday, 7 January 2010

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

With Cambridge Animal Sanctuary being an ‘Animal Conservation’ charity website, this means that it is aimed at people interested at nature and animals, children, as well as people interested in global warming and other natural topics.

The website is not designed for people who want to save endangered species’ but for the people interested in the animals currently being conserved in the sanctuary. This means that the charity has a more personal effect on the people, because it is specialist to the zoo itself, not just any zoo.

Although all of the pictures are of animals in a foreign conservation, they are all pictures of animals that would be in the conservation if it was real. There are no pictures of animals in distress (cages, hurt, etc.) because I believe that if we want our audience to donate, they are more likely to do so if they see that the money goes to a good cause and is used wisely. Also pictures of distressed animals would take the personal touch from the charity and the fun, happy themes that the website currently has. Here, below is an example of a page which has images of the animals in their new habitat; Cambridge Animal Sanctuary.

The website appeals to anyone interested in anything natural, which could be animals or even the planet. The current climate means that the world is changing and this is making big news, making more people conscious of nature. This means more people would be knowledgeable and interested than in recent years. The philosophy behind the website is for people who enjoy seeing animals to donate in able to keep the Cambridge Animal Sanctuary open and in business.

1 comment:

  1. Jack
    You must go through these and check that everything is in place, please.
    These are your AS Blogspot posts.
    1. Review
    2. Website analysis and review
    3. Survey starter
    4. Media brief
    5. Website annotations
    6. Improved brief
    7. Young and Rubicam survey result and comment
    8. Website research findings
    . 9.Main survey

    . -followed by the seven points (you must read and use Seven point evaluation)

    . 10.i. In what ways . . . conventions

    11. ii. Representation of social groups
    12. iii. Who your audience is
    13. iv. How you attract your audience
    14. v. Website distribution
    15. vi. What you have learned about technology
    16. vii. What you have learned in the progression from first site to main site.
    This is the link to the seven point evaluation in full: AS seven key questions only.doc

    In the seven point evaluation, parts 2, 3 and 6 are done, and the others are needed immediately!
    In 2, you must use your survey results as supporting evidence. Without it, you won't get the marks you need. Straight after the first paragraph, please add the support - 'from our survey we found that . . . ' and after the second paragraph, 'the charity has a more personal effect on the people, because it is aspecialst to the zoo itself - our survey suggests that . . . '
    Your survey needs to support the 'fun, happy themes' and that the appeal (in paragraph 4) is for people who are more 'knowledgeable and interested than in recent years.' OK? This is what will get you extra marks.

    - you need to talk to Joel, Sam and John urgently about the future of your website.
    - you need to finish the evaluation urgently, using evidence.
